
I think that the complete DVD collection of Freaks and Geeks came out about a month ago. I knew the day it came out and I have been wanting to buy it, but I'm a cheapskate and it took me this long to talk myself into it.

Of course, most TV series that are released on DVD are released by SEASON. Not many can say that they are the COMPLETE collection. The shameful reason that Freaks & Geeks is complete is that the Emmy winning show was cancelled after the first season. Why must all things that are good be constantly minimized?

This was a truly great show. It is hysterically funny while maintaining honesty and heart. We all knew these Freaks and Geeks in our own high school. Some of us knew them from the inside. I don't know. This is kind of a stupid blog, I just love the show. It makes me happy and I love the fact that I don't have to waste my life during inane commercials.


For the past few months, Holly and I have been trying to cut down on our expenses. We decided that we would try an experiment and shut off our Satellite TV for awhile and see how well we get along.

This was scary, because we both had our favorite channels. Holly likes the Home Decorating channels and I would usually surf between the music channels, Comedy Central, SciFi, Discovery and the Learning Channel.

Anyway, so now we're just picking up whatever we can from some rabbit ears and we were both looking forward to getting familiar with "regular" TV. ...right!

What we didn't realize was that for the past couple of years that we'd been on Satellite, primetime TV had gone to crap! All of these inane reality shows and fear factors suck! Not to mention that I swear that commercials are longer more stupid than ever before. How bad is it when the programming is so terrible that I actually get excited when an actually creative commercial comes on? (I'm still impressed with the car commercial that has the Flaming Lips song, "Do You Realize?" playing and you see this car driving through town and everybody is stopping and waving at it. At the end of the commercial they finally show the backseat where a cute kid is sitting in his carseat and waving with a big smile on his face. I hate car commercials and I honestly don't even know what that commercial is for, but I liked it.)

Coming Soon...the point to this rambling: How I love Freaks and Geeks the TV series.



I picked up a pair of Doc Marten AirWair jeans from goodwill a couple of years ago. Although the jeans were on their last legs at the time, I LOVED them. They fit great, and were comfortable and I think I got them for $1.

The problem is that I love these jeans and I can't find them ANYWHERE. I've googled them and now froogled them countless times. I can't find them. Sadness.