
Boston at the beginning of this month: Day 1

Memories as fast as I can:

Picked up James and Melissa at 4:30am. If you know me, that's weird. Made the flights, flying fun, got there about noon or 1pm. Found out that the arm of the subway that went to our hotel that we planned to get around town by was closed. Finally got to hotel and we're hungry. Hiked to downtown area over a big hill from Boston Commons. I was hungry and didn't want to walk anymore before we got food. So, we stopped in a little Lebanese diner. The weirdest part was about 30 seconds have we got in and sat down, the fire alarms started going off. This little guy kept rushing through telling us not to worry about it and that he'd get it shut off. I don't know how long it was going but it felt like 5 or 10 minutes and it was loud.

From there we hiked the freedom trail. It was cool, and I like reading and learning about the history, but I can look at buildings and tombstones and be ready to move on pretty quickly.

Finally, we stopped in this museum that they'd made out of the Old South Meeting House which was where they started from at the Boston Tea Party. It was cool in there and there were cushioned seats and little headphones you could borrow to listen to this program. So, I guessed I fell asleep for a little while. I'd been up since 4am!!

More of the freedom trail. Met some friends of ours and ate at a seafood place right on the bay. Good food. Good times.

Caught a cab back to the Hotel. James was pissed that we paid $10 cuz he thought it should have been less. Walked across the street and got Cheesecake from the cheesecake factory for dessert. Some idiot from the hotel told James there would be a $3 charge to our room for somebody to deliver some more coffee cups and plastic spoons. James was rightfully pissed by that point. I just went down and took some cups and spoons. Sleep.

End Day 1

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