I haven't blogged about this because I don't know what to say. Do whatever you have to do to see this as soon as possible. The wife and I found a wonderful friend willing to sit at our house while the girl was asleep so we could go Sunday night.
It's a fraction of the cost and hassle of actually going to a concert. You don't have to worry about not being able to see around the 6'11" tall imbecile standing in front of you (although you may find yourself actually trying to see around people...the 3D is INSANE) that keeps farting because he knows nobody can hear him. You don't have to worry about your 5' tall wife being trampled by idiots who were in kindergarten when The Joshua Tree came out and have never even heard Unforgettable Fire. You don't have to deal with the traffic or $10 bottles of water.
I don't know if I'm ever going to actually see U2 in concert, but all of these things make me really question whether or not I want to. Besides avoiding all these downsides to an actual concert experience, you get to pretend like you can fly all over the stage.
The only downside to the movie is that you really want to stand up and scream and blow out your vocal cords singing along with Bono and wave your arms and clap and and dance and cry and exalt in the glorious spectacle of it all but you can't. You're sitting in a movie theater.
(Actually, you can cry. In fact, the 3D glasses you have to wear afford no peripheral vision, so you don't even have to worry about the people you're sitting with seeing you weep...)
durko, idiots who were in kindergarten when the joshua tree came out are like 26 now :D
Oh my gosh Lisa, I can't stop laughing!
i had the SAME reaction after viewing it. i got to see it on an IMAX screen in Dallas a few weekends ago, and it was amazing. i knew i would love it, but there was no way i was prepared for how much it rocked. i agree with you about the only downside being that you can't stand up and scream and all that. it was hard to stay still..how can you not move when you hear sounds like that? beautiful beautiful. mom and i knew you would love it, glad you got to go see it!!!
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