
TX postponed & Freaks and Geeks again

So, I had it all worked out for a sub to go to TX for me that would have done a bang up job and who owed me a lot of money, so it was all going to work out. However, when I called the peeps to see if that would be cool with them, it sounded like they were a little relieved. I'd forgotten that this was the first year they were attempting to do this, and apparently, they'd not publicized it as well as they'd hoped and there weren't going to be a whole ton of people and definately not as many as they hoped.

So, they offered to have us come for a retreat scheduled for April instead and their staff could handle the responsibilities for this weekend. So, now I just need to figure out how to pay for the transmission.

in other news...

Last night some friends came over for chili that we haven't hung out with for a long time. We were all trying to figure out whether to watch a movie or what. Well, I'd been telling them about Freaks and Geeks for some time and we'd just never gotten together for them to see F&G. Of course, it's been a couple of months since I've watched an episode (since my six feet under fascination). Long story, shot version: We all fell in love with F&G again! They ended up staying over here till nearly 2am and I think we watched about 5-6 episodes all together.

Why must TV suck so bad? And why must any show with any goodness in it be cancelled after one glorious season?

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