

This is a web-site that I visit quite often. They've just done a major rebuild on the site and they're having glitches with the commenting. So, I'm commenting on my own blog. If anybody cares.

First, I shouldn't have read this interview of Casting Crowns. I knew it would just piss me off. The one comment (by the founder of the online magazine, so I guess his commenting works) points out exactly the problem I have and have always had with this band. I wonder why an interview with this particular band is actually on this web-site.

First: Propaganda as art makes for bad art and bad propaganda. period.

Second: The fact that CC exploded when they did and how big they did does not indicate God's providence. When will people learn that God's economy is not the same as man's? It simply indicates that they hit on a perfect formula for a particular time. I guess the church was wanting a hip pop/country/MOR "band" that channeled Steven Curtis Chapman. Are you kidding me? The guy sounds exactly like SCC.

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