
We [shouldn't] live as exegetes.

Rustin linked this interview from his blog. He highlighted a different part, but this jumped out at me:
"The importance of poetry and novels is that the Christian life involves the use of the imagination, after all, we are dealing with the invisible. And, imagination is our training in dealing with the invisible, making connections, looking for plot and character. I don't want to do away with or denigrate theology or exegesis, but our primary allies in this business are the artists. I want literature to be on par with those other things. They need to be brought in as full partners in this whole business. The arts reflect where we live, we live in narrative, we live in story. We don't live as exegetes."

-Eugene Peterson, interview here


Anonymous said...

I totally agree! (Which is weird since I have absolutely NO creative abilities whatsoever.)
One of the best peices of advice I have ever gotten was to "Think Big Thoughts About God." We're told that His ways are not our ways or His thoughs our thoughts... and I think the only way to begin to align ourselves with His is to allow the loftier, bigger thoughts... which doesn't happen in theological debates... but in dreaming about God and all He is and does and has for us...
I don't even know if any of that makes sense... but I DO agree!! HA HA!
~missie ray g

SeekingSilence said...

I had to look up "exegesis". I have to start reading more...