
Crazy for God (some more)

Crazy for God

I found this interview with Frank about the book by somebody that is mentioned in the book. I thought it was interesting.

Have you read the book yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished the book. I bet that most of the people you want to read the book will dismiss it due some of its content, namely the talk about masturbation and the use of the word 'fuck'. (I put it in quotes so that makes it okay, right.) What I found most challenging was not his escape from the "Evangelical Ghetto", rather it was how he was able to relate and accept his parents as being humans capable of errors like the rest of us. He could have easily had resentment toward both parents, yet he was able to see them through the eyes of grace. I have more respect for his mother and father than I did before reading the book.