nerdly or not
Just today, James was telling me that I was proving myself to be not so nerdly and then I nerded it up a notch. Here's the test to tell you for sure.
So, I've finally landed a job...for now. It just became official today, but I'm now the long-term substitute 5th Grade Science Teacher at an elementary school in Springdale at least until Christmas break.
I started subbing for this classroom last Monday and just got the official word that I'm good to go with this position until the teacher, who's recovering from surgery, comes back. This past week has been a good opportunity to get to know the kids, schedules, co-teachers, etc. More than anything, I have to say that the other 5th grade teachers who I'm teaching with, have been incredibly friendly, encouraging, and helpful. I couldn't ask for better support from them. Not only that, but it's mostly because of them wanting me on the team that I got the gig. Teaching in an elementary school was definately not my first choice, but this group of teachers on my team seems like a tremendous environment for me to get my feet wet and gain some experience.
For the most part, I think it's a good group of kids. Of course, some are ornery, some need a little extra, I don't know how they can always lose all their pencils or how they can be constantly forgetting papers/books/assignments, but as I get to know them, I find that I like them more and I think they're sort of getting used to me, too. Sometimes, it's difficult to be all business and disciplinarian with them, because I can see how cool the kids are and how much fun it would be to just have fun with them. As I'm with them more, I'm hoping that they/I can figure out how to communicate that when I mean business, we need to get to work, but I'm all for making the work fun, too.
The really good news is that starting next Monday, I'll get a bump in pay. Two weeks after that, I'll get another bump. This definately helps relieve lots of stress in terms of income/bills/livelihood. At the same time, this means I'm going to start being responsible for a lot of things in the class that I haven't needed to be responsible for yet: grades, lesson plans, etc. So, it's just kind of a new stress.
So, that's it for now. I'll try to post little stories as they come. Today, I got to deal with a student that reared back and punched another kid in the back of the head right in front of me. That was new and different.
I started subbing for this classroom last Monday and just got the official word that I'm good to go with this position until the teacher, who's recovering from surgery, comes back. This past week has been a good opportunity to get to know the kids, schedules, co-teachers, etc. More than anything, I have to say that the other 5th grade teachers who I'm teaching with, have been incredibly friendly, encouraging, and helpful. I couldn't ask for better support from them. Not only that, but it's mostly because of them wanting me on the team that I got the gig. Teaching in an elementary school was definately not my first choice, but this group of teachers on my team seems like a tremendous environment for me to get my feet wet and gain some experience.
For the most part, I think it's a good group of kids. Of course, some are ornery, some need a little extra, I don't know how they can always lose all their pencils or how they can be constantly forgetting papers/books/assignments, but as I get to know them, I find that I like them more and I think they're sort of getting used to me, too. Sometimes, it's difficult to be all business and disciplinarian with them, because I can see how cool the kids are and how much fun it would be to just have fun with them. As I'm with them more, I'm hoping that they/I can figure out how to communicate that when I mean business, we need to get to work, but I'm all for making the work fun, too.
The really good news is that starting next Monday, I'll get a bump in pay. Two weeks after that, I'll get another bump. This definately helps relieve lots of stress in terms of income/bills/livelihood. At the same time, this means I'm going to start being responsible for a lot of things in the class that I haven't needed to be responsible for yet: grades, lesson plans, etc. So, it's just kind of a new stress.
So, that's it for now. I'll try to post little stories as they come. Today, I got to deal with a student that reared back and punched another kid in the back of the head right in front of me. That was new and different.
little news
So, it looks like I don't have to check the online sub-finder for a couple of weeks. I'm subbing for the long-term sub in a class where the teacher is going to be having a baby in a couple of days and the long-term sub is currently engaged finishing another mini-contract. This is good because I know that the teacher is leaving me great great plans and directions for the whole time I'm there and it's a great school. People are friendly and getting used to seeing me around there and since the teacher's going to be gone on maternity leave, I'm actually going to get to do some teaching.
At the same time, a 5th grade position has opened up and I'm going to pursue it with all I've got. I've already sent out an email and called the school this morning, but the secretary said the principal wouldn't be in all day. I plan to call again on my way to subbbing in the morning. As much as I really love the school that I'm subbing in and I know it will be great experience for me, the fact is that we just can't make ends meet on the pay that subbing brings in.
I know that's not much news, but that's about all that's going on.
At the same time, a 5th grade position has opened up and I'm going to pursue it with all I've got. I've already sent out an email and called the school this morning, but the secretary said the principal wouldn't be in all day. I plan to call again on my way to subbbing in the morning. As much as I really love the school that I'm subbing in and I know it will be great experience for me, the fact is that we just can't make ends meet on the pay that subbing brings in.
I know that's not much news, but that's about all that's going on.
picky people and peter pan
update first: No. I still don't have a job. Yes. I'm frustrated and grouchy about it. It seems that all the schools within about a 50 mile radius of my house have filled all their positions...EXCEPT the one job at the one school that I've been hoping/praying/pleading for since before school started. They still haven't filled the position. I do know that she's offered it to a few people, who already have jobs, and was turned down because they already have jobs... So, since she's going down the list of settling, if she gets far enough down, she's bound to get to me sooner or later. Let's just hope that I'm at the top of the list of desperate people who still need a job that she doesn't really want but will settle for. Why would I even want to go into a new job situation like that? Finances be getting tight...not does subbing suck, but the pay sucks worse. One final note: I actually nabbed a half-day subbing job at that school. I'm hoping for a slim chance that I might be able to talk to that principal and could have the hope that I might make some better impression on her. Of course, since I don't know what gave her a bad impression in the first place, that's going to be tricky.
Other update: I STILL have a horrible cough and I even went to the doctor last week!
Ok. Peter Pan. I picked up what is supposed to be the 2nd of a trilogy of books recently written as supposed prequals to J.M. Barrie's, Peter Pan. Frankly, I'm shocked, appalled and disgusted. I am honestly having a hard time believing that either of the TWO authors ever read Barrie's book or even watched Walt Disney's animated movie or even Speilberg's extrapolation, Hook! Both of those movies are much more faithful to the characters' personalities and motivations. I know that most anybody reading this probably doesn't care, so I'll just bullet a few points that are incongruent with Barrie's conception that are apparent within the first few pages:
However, on October 7th, a new book is coming out, "Peter Pan in Scarlett" that was commissioned and sanctioned as a true sequal to Barrie's story. They had a contest where something like 200 writers submitted a chapter and story outline and some english writer won the opportunity to write the book. This is all under the direction of the children's hospital own all rights to the book. So I'm interested to read that, because I would think they'd go to great lengths to make sure the writer stayed true to the characters. I'm interested to find out.
Other update: I STILL have a horrible cough and I even went to the doctor last week!
Ok. Peter Pan. I picked up what is supposed to be the 2nd of a trilogy of books recently written as supposed prequals to J.M. Barrie's, Peter Pan. Frankly, I'm shocked, appalled and disgusted. I am honestly having a hard time believing that either of the TWO authors ever read Barrie's book or even watched Walt Disney's animated movie or even Speilberg's extrapolation, Hook! Both of those movies are much more faithful to the characters' personalities and motivations. I know that most anybody reading this probably doesn't care, so I'll just bullet a few points that are incongruent with Barrie's conception that are apparent within the first few pages:
- Peter Pan would have never said that he was "1 year older than the oldest of his group of lost boys" He was proud that he would never grow up. In fact, that was the one rule of the lost boys, if peter thinks you're starting to grow up, you're banished from neverland.
- Peter still had all his baby teeth.
- Peter was completely oblivious to fawning girls' batting eyes.
- Peter was proud and cocky and couldn't tell between real and make believe.
- Neverland was not somewhere out in the ocean, but another plane or world that could only be reached by magic and pixie dust, not "starstuff"
- Captain Hook was the most refined, if sinister villain. He was not dirty and stinky, but clean shaven, smartly dressed and groomed. And his first name was JAMES!!! James wasn't the name of a lost boy!
- The crocodile swallowed a clock. This represents time catching up to all of us. How could you even mention the crocodile without mentioning the clock?
- And what's the name of the indian princess? All together: of course it's Tigerlilly! Who ever heard of "Shining Pearl"?
However, on October 7th, a new book is coming out, "Peter Pan in Scarlett" that was commissioned and sanctioned as a true sequal to Barrie's story. They had a contest where something like 200 writers submitted a chapter and story outline and some english writer won the opportunity to write the book. This is all under the direction of the children's hospital own all rights to the book. So I'm interested to read that, because I would think they'd go to great lengths to make sure the writer stayed true to the characters. I'm interested to find out.
No news not necessarily good news...
Sorry that I've been slow to update. It's just that I've had no good news worth sharing.
It is not September 14th, I'm officially "on hold" with the NTL program, and chances of me getting a teaching gig for the 06-07 school year shrink with every day.
It seems apparent that there just aren't any open positions within about a 50-mile radius. A couple of schools have offered a glimmer of hope that their enrollments are getting close to over-full at which point they'll need to add positions. I try to keep checking, but nothing has happened with them either.
There is one job still open that I would be qualified for on paper. It's really the job that I want. Unfortunately, I don't think the principal or the person advising the principal have had any sort of chance to get to know me to think that I could do the job and do it well.
By contrast, I've been subbing at another school since September 1st. I truly believe that subbing is more challenging than actually teaching with the exception that you don't carry the weight of the responsibility with teaching. Anyway, I've had 3 or 4 teachers from my hallway ask for my name/# so that they can try to get me to sub for them later. The people that have been around me and have been able to see me in the classroom recognize my ability with students and don't care that have little experience.
So, that's it. I'm still waiting/hoping/praying this principal will take a chance on me. And if that doesn't happen, we've got to figure out some more income because subbing pays squat.
It is not September 14th, I'm officially "on hold" with the NTL program, and chances of me getting a teaching gig for the 06-07 school year shrink with every day.
It seems apparent that there just aren't any open positions within about a 50-mile radius. A couple of schools have offered a glimmer of hope that their enrollments are getting close to over-full at which point they'll need to add positions. I try to keep checking, but nothing has happened with them either.
There is one job still open that I would be qualified for on paper. It's really the job that I want. Unfortunately, I don't think the principal or the person advising the principal have had any sort of chance to get to know me to think that I could do the job and do it well.
By contrast, I've been subbing at another school since September 1st. I truly believe that subbing is more challenging than actually teaching with the exception that you don't carry the weight of the responsibility with teaching. Anyway, I've had 3 or 4 teachers from my hallway ask for my name/# so that they can try to get me to sub for them later. The people that have been around me and have been able to see me in the classroom recognize my ability with students and don't care that have little experience.
So, that's it. I'm still waiting/hoping/praying this principal will take a chance on me. And if that doesn't happen, we've got to figure out some more income because subbing pays squat.
pins & needles
Still nothing. It's a tricky (and covert) story, but I should be getting word if the decisions are made and I didn't get one of those jobs. So, at this point, no news is still good news. But the suspense is just about to kill me...
job hunting woes...
So, I'm still not doing very well at keeping this updated. THE job at THE school that I interviewed for obviously didn't happen. I think that Principal ended up interviewing like 15+ people for that job, and I'm still not completely convinced that she wasn't just letting all us NTL people interview to get the practice. I just heard that the person who ended up getting the position was the person that had an aide position at that school all last year. So, it all makes sense.
My first REAL interview went AWESOME! It was with a principal and 2 assistant principal's and I really think we all hit it off. In fact, I knew that they'd called 3 of my references by the next morning and I think I ended up being one of the 3 picks that ended up getting sent to the Superintendent's office. Unfortunately, I never heard from the Supe. I'm not even a teacher yet and I'm already a victim of educational beauracracy!
The Principal even ended up calling me and telling me that they liked me so much and wanted me in the school and she offered me not just one, but potentially 2 long-term subbing contracts for teachers that were having babies. I was really jazzed about this, because I'd be starting the first day of school with that class and it would be such a great experience for me personally and for my resume.
Unfortunately, the NTL certification process and Public School policy conspired to prohibit me from taking that sweet gig from a cash standpoint. Oh, the district could bend their rules enough that they'd let me do the job, but not enough pay me the $146/day they'd normally pay a long-term sub. I could do the job, but they'd only pay me $73/day. Holly and I are good at living cheap, and I've made that much in a day, but that day is usually only about 2-4 hours long and I still have time to go do something else to make some more $$ elsewhere. So, with great frustration and disappointment, I'm holding off of that job even though I really want to work with those folks.
I had another short interview just the other day and I know the principal just got approved for some additional positions. I felt like the interview went ok, but 20 minutes isn't much time for me to REALLY impress the principal with just how great a teacher I'll be.
So, I'm sitting on pins and needles hoping to get a phone call tomorrow. If that doesn't happen, I don't know what's next. School starts on Monday and many people keep telling me that schools end up adding teachers/classes after school starts when they see their enrollment. I'd take that if it comes to it, but I'd sure like to get the call tomorrow so I can 1)Stop obsessing 2) Start preparing to teach a classroom!
That's it for now. I'll let you know.
My first REAL interview went AWESOME! It was with a principal and 2 assistant principal's and I really think we all hit it off. In fact, I knew that they'd called 3 of my references by the next morning and I think I ended up being one of the 3 picks that ended up getting sent to the Superintendent's office. Unfortunately, I never heard from the Supe. I'm not even a teacher yet and I'm already a victim of educational beauracracy!
The Principal even ended up calling me and telling me that they liked me so much and wanted me in the school and she offered me not just one, but potentially 2 long-term subbing contracts for teachers that were having babies. I was really jazzed about this, because I'd be starting the first day of school with that class and it would be such a great experience for me personally and for my resume.
Unfortunately, the NTL certification process and Public School policy conspired to prohibit me from taking that sweet gig from a cash standpoint. Oh, the district could bend their rules enough that they'd let me do the job, but not enough pay me the $146/day they'd normally pay a long-term sub. I could do the job, but they'd only pay me $73/day. Holly and I are good at living cheap, and I've made that much in a day, but that day is usually only about 2-4 hours long and I still have time to go do something else to make some more $$ elsewhere. So, with great frustration and disappointment, I'm holding off of that job even though I really want to work with those folks.
I had another short interview just the other day and I know the principal just got approved for some additional positions. I felt like the interview went ok, but 20 minutes isn't much time for me to REALLY impress the principal with just how great a teacher I'll be.
So, I'm sitting on pins and needles hoping to get a phone call tomorrow. If that doesn't happen, I don't know what's next. School starts on Monday and many people keep telling me that schools end up adding teachers/classes after school starts when they see their enrollment. I'd take that if it comes to it, but I'd sure like to get the call tomorrow so I can 1)Stop obsessing 2) Start preparing to teach a classroom!
That's it for now. I'll let you know.
Mr. Shacklett?
Ok, I know it's been way too long. I've said before that when I have big things weighing on my mind, it's difficult to share. So, I've had a really big thing and I'm finally free to share.
I'm in the midst of a big career change. I turn 35 in just a little more than a month. That's about the right time for a career change, right?
Anyway, I've been working on the Non-traditional Licensure program for teaching and I'm hoping to get a job teaching in a Middle School this fall. I've been in class everyday from 8am-3:30pm everyday since last Monday (not including weekend) and I'm pretty pooped.
The reason I'm sharing now is that I finally got all my test scores back, (long story for another time), so I'm officially in the program.
I'm also sharing now, because if anybody still reads this, I need all the prayers and good vibes you can send my way tomorrow.
THE job at THE school that I've thought I wanted from the beginning came up and I have an informal interview with Principal tomorrow at about 3pm. This is really the only job that I want and I want it BAD! I know that she's interviewing a lot of other people, but I think I can do it the best. I just hope I get a chance to show her that.
I'll keep you posted.
I'm in the midst of a big career change. I turn 35 in just a little more than a month. That's about the right time for a career change, right?
Anyway, I've been working on the Non-traditional Licensure program for teaching and I'm hoping to get a job teaching in a Middle School this fall. I've been in class everyday from 8am-3:30pm everyday since last Monday (not including weekend) and I'm pretty pooped.
The reason I'm sharing now is that I finally got all my test scores back, (long story for another time), so I'm officially in the program.
I'm also sharing now, because if anybody still reads this, I need all the prayers and good vibes you can send my way tomorrow.
THE job at THE school that I've thought I wanted from the beginning came up and I have an informal interview with Principal tomorrow at about 3pm. This is really the only job that I want and I want it BAD! I know that she's interviewing a lot of other people, but I think I can do it the best. I just hope I get a chance to show her that.
I'll keep you posted.
So, Mclaren really can throw down...
I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. And probably most people who still check my blog also read Jake's, which is where I heard about this article. But, the more people who read this short interview, the better.
I've never been much of a fan of Relevant Magazine, and I'm an unabashed fan of McLaren. He's a smart guy and makes me hope.
I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. And probably most people who still check my blog also read Jake's, which is where I heard about this article. But, the more people who read this short interview, the better.
I've never been much of a fan of Relevant Magazine, and I'm an unabashed fan of McLaren. He's a smart guy and makes me hope.
My best creation...
The day finally came 9 days sooner than we expected. Our family unit now counts 3 humans, 1 dog. Mom and daughter are healthy. Words fail so miserably as to seem void. God is good and I am blessed beyond comprehension.
'You can sing about the Light, or you can sing about what you see because of the Light. I prefer the latter'
'You can sing about the Light, or you can sing about what you see because of the Light. I prefer the latter'
To my knowledge, I don't think I've spent any time ever listening to T-Bone Burnetts'own music. I do have the Oh Brother Where Art Though? soundtrack, and every one T-bone produced albums released by his X-wife, Sam Phillips. Coincidentily, I've also been listening to a lot of the Wallflowers' first big CD, Bringing Down the Horse, which catapulted the band to the heights they achieved at T-bone's production hands.
A couple of different web-sites/reviewers are getting really gushy about this new project of his and I'm really curious.
If I had to be referred to as "evangelical" how great to be thought of as a "thoughful evangelical"?
In other news: Seriously, baby-shack is coming any day. I'm kinda scared, but also kinda excited and am kind of sick of waiting around and ready to get this show on the road. At least with Christmas and your birthday, you know what days it's coming and you can countdown to that particular day...
To my knowledge, I don't think I've spent any time ever listening to T-Bone Burnetts'own music. I do have the Oh Brother Where Art Though? soundtrack, and every one T-bone produced albums released by his X-wife, Sam Phillips. Coincidentily, I've also been listening to a lot of the Wallflowers' first big CD, Bringing Down the Horse, which catapulted the band to the heights they achieved at T-bone's production hands.
A couple of different web-sites/reviewers are getting really gushy about this new project of his and I'm really curious.
If I had to be referred to as "evangelical" how great to be thought of as a "thoughful evangelical"?
In other news: Seriously, baby-shack is coming any day. I'm kinda scared, but also kinda excited and am kind of sick of waiting around and ready to get this show on the road. At least with Christmas and your birthday, you know what days it's coming and you can countdown to that particular day...
Ok, we've had two checkups where the dr. is like, "ok, everything looks perfect. Whenever she's ready, we're ready to go..." YIKES!
Not to be downplayed, I know that the life-change of having a little baby girl living in our house sometime in the next few weeks will change everything I've ever known. The weird thing, is that I've already felt some of those changes. People have always said, "Oh, your priorities and goals will be completely different..." and I'd think, "Well, I'm not so sure that I want my priorities and goals to be different..." But, here I am and I've already sensed those changes and it's just like they said. Many of the things that drove me and defined the way I see myself don't seem as important anymore. So, little baby-shack, of course is the biggest change #1.
#2-Our home church of the last 4+ years, is saying goodbye to its founder and minister, M. He's accepted a position at a church in San Diego and will be heading out there after this Sunday. I think it's a good move for him. I'm not as close to him right now as I have been in the past, but I've seen how difficult and bruising this church-planting business can be for him and his family. Honestly, I don't know how he and his family could not be tired and after 6 years, I think they deserve this R&R. I think that spending some time in an established church, where he won't have to deal with the struggles of the new church (attendance, financial struggles, facilities, etc) will be very good for him/them. I haven't talked to him in depth about this, so a lot of this is my own speculations.
But, this is about changes in my life...M leaving is obviously going to be a big change for the church. In a church the size and age of NS, the minister leaving is going to have a huge impact. Some people are frustrated, some people are scared. I'm cautiously hopeful. I really see this as an opportunity for NS to become something more and better than any of us really thought.
It seems like the leaders are really taking their roles seriously, and are trying really hard to do the right things. Not that I really know what the "right things" are, but we'll just have to wait and see if NS can get through this particular season.
Change #3- The other "worship gathering", the Portico, that I've been leading worship for, and been involved with for just under two years, is in the process of launching as an independent church. It was started as a "college ministry" of a large baptist church, but quickly became evident that there weren't that many college people around. However, there were many people just out of college who are just starting their careers (usually somehow related to walmart) and families and who were sick-to-death of the typical church bs. So, it's kind of been functioning as a church for many of its attendees for awhile, it's just that we're now separating from the big baptist church, trying to figure out where we're going to meet, taking on our own finances, etc, etc.
I can get pretty fired up about the Portico. It's all kind of scary, and I think I'm a little gun-shy after dealing with some of the "new-church" struggles of NS, but feel a lot more like-mindedness and unity of vision with many of the people at the Portico. I also feel like this is a group of people who know and want many of the same things that I want out of the "faith community" that I am plugged into. The only struggle is that it's a little bit of a drive to get up there, and it's just enough that it's difficult for us to get up there to spend time with people socially.
Life-change #4- This is probably 2nd in magnitude only to Life-change #1 (baby-shack), but I'm just not quite ready to blog about it. Many who read this already know what's cooking, but if you leave comments, please don't mention it. I'm almost ready to let the cat out of the bag, but just not yet. There's one big thing coming up in the next couple of weeks that I want to get past first, then I'll share.
So, it's just weird. If all goes as planned, my life will look completely different as soon as 6 months from now.
Stay tuned... to see if my head actually explodes...
Not to be downplayed, I know that the life-change of having a little baby girl living in our house sometime in the next few weeks will change everything I've ever known. The weird thing, is that I've already felt some of those changes. People have always said, "Oh, your priorities and goals will be completely different..." and I'd think, "Well, I'm not so sure that I want my priorities and goals to be different..." But, here I am and I've already sensed those changes and it's just like they said. Many of the things that drove me and defined the way I see myself don't seem as important anymore. So, little baby-shack, of course is the biggest change #1.
#2-Our home church of the last 4+ years, is saying goodbye to its founder and minister, M. He's accepted a position at a church in San Diego and will be heading out there after this Sunday. I think it's a good move for him. I'm not as close to him right now as I have been in the past, but I've seen how difficult and bruising this church-planting business can be for him and his family. Honestly, I don't know how he and his family could not be tired and after 6 years, I think they deserve this R&R. I think that spending some time in an established church, where he won't have to deal with the struggles of the new church (attendance, financial struggles, facilities, etc) will be very good for him/them. I haven't talked to him in depth about this, so a lot of this is my own speculations.
But, this is about changes in my life...M leaving is obviously going to be a big change for the church. In a church the size and age of NS, the minister leaving is going to have a huge impact. Some people are frustrated, some people are scared. I'm cautiously hopeful. I really see this as an opportunity for NS to become something more and better than any of us really thought.
It seems like the leaders are really taking their roles seriously, and are trying really hard to do the right things. Not that I really know what the "right things" are, but we'll just have to wait and see if NS can get through this particular season.
Change #3- The other "worship gathering", the Portico, that I've been leading worship for, and been involved with for just under two years, is in the process of launching as an independent church. It was started as a "college ministry" of a large baptist church, but quickly became evident that there weren't that many college people around. However, there were many people just out of college who are just starting their careers (usually somehow related to walmart) and families and who were sick-to-death of the typical church bs. So, it's kind of been functioning as a church for many of its attendees for awhile, it's just that we're now separating from the big baptist church, trying to figure out where we're going to meet, taking on our own finances, etc, etc.
I can get pretty fired up about the Portico. It's all kind of scary, and I think I'm a little gun-shy after dealing with some of the "new-church" struggles of NS, but feel a lot more like-mindedness and unity of vision with many of the people at the Portico. I also feel like this is a group of people who know and want many of the same things that I want out of the "faith community" that I am plugged into. The only struggle is that it's a little bit of a drive to get up there, and it's just enough that it's difficult for us to get up there to spend time with people socially.
Life-change #4- This is probably 2nd in magnitude only to Life-change #1 (baby-shack), but I'm just not quite ready to blog about it. Many who read this already know what's cooking, but if you leave comments, please don't mention it. I'm almost ready to let the cat out of the bag, but just not yet. There's one big thing coming up in the next couple of weeks that I want to get past first, then I'll share.
So, it's just weird. If all goes as planned, my life will look completely different as soon as 6 months from now.
Stay tuned... to see if my head actually explodes...
Diamond-Studded Martini Runs a Cool $3,000 - Yahoo! News
Amy Pollard was talking about something like this on SNL last night. She was talking about some martini you could order at the Kentucky Derby for $1000. In other news, for $800, I'll just sell you a T-shirt that says: "I'm an ass@$#%!"
I think it's pretty common knowledge that change, even good change, brings stress. For the last couple of days, I've been wondering just how much change could happen in a short amount of time to cause enough stress for somebody to just completely freak out/shut down/implode/explode/whatever.
I don't have enough time to expound upon this right now, but for starters: We are now 34 days away from our due date.
I don't have enough time to expound upon this right now, but for starters: We are now 34 days away from our due date.
Escaping the Creative Ghetto
My friend, Jake, blogged about this article. It's pretty great. Here's a quote that I liked alot:
This whole article could also be talking about music and the music industry. I realize it's still difficult for some people to grasp, but I'm encouraged that some one else is talking about it. Not to mention that this article is in Christianity Today. Hopefully, this will help CT's readers to better thinking.
Entertainment is best when it poses compelling questions, when it is not a lesson for the viewer but a dialogue with the viewer. A movie can show the ramifications of a worldview, but it gets in real trouble when it starts articulating worldviews. Christians will never have real success in Hollywood until we accept that simply delivering the Truth will not help the audience. We must allow the audience to wrestle with the Truth. We need to have the simple trust of the sower who casts seeds out on the ground and then moves on, believing that somebody else will come along to till, weed, and harvest.
Why is it that people of faith have so little faith in people?
This whole article could also be talking about music and the music industry. I realize it's still difficult for some people to grasp, but I'm encouraged that some one else is talking about it. Not to mention that this article is in Christianity Today. Hopefully, this will help CT's readers to better thinking.
"You're Beautiful" but this song still sucks!
"You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face, in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do;
Cuz I'll never be with you." -James Blunt
These are the profound lyrics of the modern singer/songwriter. (GAG!!!)
I'm sorry, there has got to be SERIOUS payola going on somewhere for this song to be played on the radio so much. The guy looks like a serial killer, his voice is annoying, the melody to this song is amazing in its stupidity only because it is trumped in it's stupidity by those horrid lyrics.
Come on, those lyrics sound like something a sensitive 6th grade boy would write in his first attempts to write a song/poem and realized he could rhyme "face" and "place". (no offense to sensitive 6th grade boys)
The real question is "why this guy"? There are hundreds of great singer/songwriters who have put out their first records this past year and there have got to be artists/songs that are better than this idiot. I mean, I can name half a dozen singer/songwriters with brand new records that make this guy sound like the no-talent loser he is. (off the top of my head, I'm thinking that rhett miller and glenn phillps and bruce springsteen have all put out new solo albums recently, how come none of them are getting played once an hour?)
Holly's radio woke me up this morning and this dumb-ass song was playing. I may need to take some kind of anger management class for when I hear hear it.
You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face, in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do;
Cuz I'll never be with you." -James Blunt
These are the profound lyrics of the modern singer/songwriter. (GAG!!!)
I'm sorry, there has got to be SERIOUS payola going on somewhere for this song to be played on the radio so much. The guy looks like a serial killer, his voice is annoying, the melody to this song is amazing in its stupidity only because it is trumped in it's stupidity by those horrid lyrics.
Come on, those lyrics sound like something a sensitive 6th grade boy would write in his first attempts to write a song/poem and realized he could rhyme "face" and "place". (no offense to sensitive 6th grade boys)
The real question is "why this guy"? There are hundreds of great singer/songwriters who have put out their first records this past year and there have got to be artists/songs that are better than this idiot. I mean, I can name half a dozen singer/songwriters with brand new records that make this guy sound like the no-talent loser he is. (off the top of my head, I'm thinking that rhett miller and glenn phillps and bruce springsteen have all put out new solo albums recently, how come none of them are getting played once an hour?)
Holly's radio woke me up this morning and this dumb-ass song was playing. I may need to take some kind of anger management class for when I hear hear it.
Today, I ended up going to a funeral. I debated with myself all morning on whether or not I should go, and ultimately decided that if I thought maybe I should, then I should.
So, I was rushing around to get ready, got stuck in traffic and construction and behind slow people all the way to the church, and running late.
Of course, when I got there, there was no place to park. So, after driving around for a little bit, I parked in a little parking area that's actually across the street from the church. The parking lot was actually for a little law firm that's right across the street from the church, but I'd seen two other cars do it while I was searching. They didn't have any signs posted saying "this parking lot for our customers only" or anything like that, and on top of everything else, there were plenty of open spaces in their lot.
Well, as soon as I parked and got out, a lady came charging out saying that I can't park there and that was going to have to tell those two other cars they can't park there either... Like I know who those cars belong to. right...
Keep in mind, i was already annoyed for being late. I couldn't help but tell the lady, "It's a funeral..." as I got back in my van and pulled it over and parked on the church's lawn.
Now, I don't know who that lady was. I don't know if she's like a receptionist or a legal assistant or one of the lawyers of the firm. I don't know if she decided to walk out into the parking lot on her own or if a boss told her to.
But, I so wanted to go in there after the funeral and say:
"Look...it's not the law. You don't have signs posted. There were still empty parking spots in the lot. Yes, it may have been within your rights to tell people to get off your parking lot. But, are your rights so significant that you couldn't have just a little bit of human compassion? Are your rules so important that you had to intrude upon people as they mourn the passing of a 6 year old boy?"
argh. I'm getting all fired up again just thinking about it.
So, I was rushing around to get ready, got stuck in traffic and construction and behind slow people all the way to the church, and running late.
Of course, when I got there, there was no place to park. So, after driving around for a little bit, I parked in a little parking area that's actually across the street from the church. The parking lot was actually for a little law firm that's right across the street from the church, but I'd seen two other cars do it while I was searching. They didn't have any signs posted saying "this parking lot for our customers only" or anything like that, and on top of everything else, there were plenty of open spaces in their lot.
Well, as soon as I parked and got out, a lady came charging out saying that I can't park there and that was going to have to tell those two other cars they can't park there either... Like I know who those cars belong to. right...
Keep in mind, i was already annoyed for being late. I couldn't help but tell the lady, "It's a funeral..." as I got back in my van and pulled it over and parked on the church's lawn.
Now, I don't know who that lady was. I don't know if she's like a receptionist or a legal assistant or one of the lawyers of the firm. I don't know if she decided to walk out into the parking lot on her own or if a boss told her to.
But, I so wanted to go in there after the funeral and say:
"Look...it's not the law. You don't have signs posted. There were still empty parking spots in the lot. Yes, it may have been within your rights to tell people to get off your parking lot. But, are your rights so significant that you couldn't have just a little bit of human compassion? Are your rules so important that you had to intrude upon people as they mourn the passing of a 6 year old boy?"
argh. I'm getting all fired up again just thinking about it.
Farewell to Fife, Furley: Don Knotts Dies - Yahoo! News
Well, I don't want to make this a habit. But, Don Knotts seems a part of my childhood, too. I was never really an Andy Griffith Show fan, but I watched many an episode of Three's Company while rolling newspapers before setting off on my route. Mr. Furley cleaned ther Ropers' clocks.
I also remember seeing the Apple Dumpling Gang in the theatre with my family and I watch re-runs of Mr. Limpet and I think I still enjoy the Ghost and Mr. Chicken. I'm surprised that this article didn't mention the movie Knotts made with Tim Conway that I think was called Private Eyes.
Anyway...Thanks for everything, Mr. Knotts.
I also remember seeing the Apple Dumpling Gang in the theatre with my family and I watch re-runs of Mr. Limpet and I think I still enjoy the Ghost and Mr. Chicken. I'm surprised that this article didn't mention the movie Knotts made with Tim Conway that I think was called Private Eyes.
Anyway...Thanks for everything, Mr. Knotts.
Another too good to pass up
My friend, Jake found this article and linked to it on his blog first. But, it's so good. In case there's anybody reading my blog that doesn't already read Jake's, you need to check this out.
Amazon.com: Mega Church: Networked Special Edition (PC Game): Computer & Video Games
Amazon.com: Mega Church: Networked Special Edition (PC Game): Computer & Video Games
This was too good not to add a link. Don't worry, it's just a gag...
This was too good not to add a link. Don't worry, it's just a gag...
step outside yourself
ChatterBoxGameShow.com :: View topic - Church steals XBOX 360 trademark to lure new members
This is kind of interesting. Somebody on this video game bulletin board got a postcard from a church parodying (sp?) the new Xbox ads to try to get people to come to their church.
Most of the resulting comments reflect how non-church people respond and react to these marketing attempts made by churches. Particularly take note of how much hostility is generated at just the sight of this postcard.
A couple other things I found interesting:
-One commentor pointed out the fact that if you turned your "life 360" would be turning your life right back around to where you started. Great marketing, guys!
-I found the blurb quoted from the web-site about the children's ministry particularly distateful and the reaction it received to be very appropriate. More and more, I am appalled at the blatant marketing of church. If it turns my stomach so much, and I am willing to believe that the people putting out this crap are at least sincere in their attempts, I can't imagine how repellant it must be to the potential "consumer".
Personally, I just don't want anything to do with church or Christianity presented like this. Thank God the good news is not the Church or Christianity. How sad is it that the Church and/or Christianity have become such hindrances to the gospel?
This is kind of interesting. Somebody on this video game bulletin board got a postcard from a church parodying (sp?) the new Xbox ads to try to get people to come to their church.
Most of the resulting comments reflect how non-church people respond and react to these marketing attempts made by churches. Particularly take note of how much hostility is generated at just the sight of this postcard.
A couple other things I found interesting:
-One commentor pointed out the fact that if you turned your "life 360" would be turning your life right back around to where you started. Great marketing, guys!
-I found the blurb quoted from the web-site about the children's ministry particularly distateful and the reaction it received to be very appropriate. More and more, I am appalled at the blatant marketing of church. If it turns my stomach so much, and I am willing to believe that the people putting out this crap are at least sincere in their attempts, I can't imagine how repellant it must be to the potential "consumer".
Personally, I just don't want anything to do with church or Christianity presented like this. Thank God the good news is not the Church or Christianity. How sad is it that the Church and/or Christianity have become such hindrances to the gospel?
east win
Not too terribly long ago, Holly and my weekends consisted of regular cycle: -pack up the car-drive somewhere-spend the
night in a host home-get up sunday and sing in a sunday
morning service-eat good, midwest women's cooking and try to
catch a nap on sunday afternoon in said host bed-go back to
church and offer a "sharing time" of my songs for about an
hour for anybody who'd show up and listen- hopefully sell
some CDs and then get to partake in a good ole' "dessert
social"- pack up the van and drive home.
It was a good life. We saw lots of friends and made many new friends out in those churches across the midwest. I know
that southern women are supposed to be the best cooks, but
I'll tell you that some of those midwest church potluck
dinners couldn't be beat. And at the same time, I got to
play my songs for listening, appreciative audiences on a
regular basis.
At the time, the hardest part or true "work" of that
lifestyle was booking the gigs. During the week, I spent
hours on the phone contacting people, sending out promo
materials and building relationships with ministers and music ministers to the point where they would trust me with sharing my songs with their congregations.
Probably 95% of the time, these contacts were not truly cold
calls. I knew lots of people from bible college and we'd
meet other people at camps or conventions or would get
referrals from other ministers. This just helped in building the relationship and letting these people know that I wasn't a cook and and I wasn't a crook and that they could trust me
with my "sharing time".
I tried "cold calling" regularly, and it proved the most
difficult. As I mentioned, since I don't have name that
people recognize from magazines or from christian radio, it
really was a matter of letting the music minister get to know me enough to trust that I had something relevant to share
with their people. It always struck me as odd that I had a
terrible time crossing "denominational lines" and that most
wouldn't even consider me coming a singing if I couldn't
prove to them I was of the correct flavor. However, if that
same person heard somebody on the radio, suddenly that wasn't such a big deal. Anyway...
East Win was one of those rare instances where I found the
church in some directory, called and talked to the music
minister, sent him a CD, and worked it out to go share a
concert the first time. Since then, it's up for debate how
many times we've been back; somewhere between 3 and 5 times.
This church has been so encouraging to Holly and me from the
very beginning. For some reason, my songs and little stories of where they came from just seemed to click.
Two weekends ago, we went back to East Win. It's a pretty
big church. I can't ever imagine that people will actually
remember us and remember the last time we were there, and yet people were actually excited that we cam back! I don't know
how many times people came to our CD table and pointed out
all the CDs they already owned and asked "what's new?"
In the past, my songs fit into the "christian music"
description pretty easily. Now, Gypsy Heart is the newest CD and I had, and I'm the first to point out that these songs
were not designed to spoon-feed anybody my ideas of
Christianity and/or belief to anybody else. I was a little
apprehensive about how this batch of songs might be received
by this faithful audience.
Of course, I'm an idiot for not giving them enough credit.
Even on an especially bad-weather weekend and prepratory
warnings from the Music Minister about how much difficulty he has getting people to come out for concerts, I felt we had a
pretty decent crowd. Not only were they an attentive and
interactive audience, they really seemed to "get" where these songs came from and seemed to accept the fact that their
encouragement and support was encouragement and support for
me to taking these songs outside of those walls.
Obviously, it was nice to get a decent paycheck for my
music/concert/services, and it was also nice to move a few
CDs into the hands of appreciative fans. But more than that,
I hope that East Win knows that how much more their support
and encouragement meant to me.
night in a host home-get up sunday and sing in a sunday
morning service-eat good, midwest women's cooking and try to
catch a nap on sunday afternoon in said host bed-go back to
church and offer a "sharing time" of my songs for about an
hour for anybody who'd show up and listen- hopefully sell
some CDs and then get to partake in a good ole' "dessert
social"- pack up the van and drive home.
It was a good life. We saw lots of friends and made many new friends out in those churches across the midwest. I know
that southern women are supposed to be the best cooks, but
I'll tell you that some of those midwest church potluck
dinners couldn't be beat. And at the same time, I got to
play my songs for listening, appreciative audiences on a
regular basis.
At the time, the hardest part or true "work" of that
lifestyle was booking the gigs. During the week, I spent
hours on the phone contacting people, sending out promo
materials and building relationships with ministers and music ministers to the point where they would trust me with sharing my songs with their congregations.
Probably 95% of the time, these contacts were not truly cold
calls. I knew lots of people from bible college and we'd
meet other people at camps or conventions or would get
referrals from other ministers. This just helped in building the relationship and letting these people know that I wasn't a cook and and I wasn't a crook and that they could trust me
with my "sharing time".
I tried "cold calling" regularly, and it proved the most
difficult. As I mentioned, since I don't have name that
people recognize from magazines or from christian radio, it
really was a matter of letting the music minister get to know me enough to trust that I had something relevant to share
with their people. It always struck me as odd that I had a
terrible time crossing "denominational lines" and that most
wouldn't even consider me coming a singing if I couldn't
prove to them I was of the correct flavor. However, if that
same person heard somebody on the radio, suddenly that wasn't such a big deal. Anyway...
East Win was one of those rare instances where I found the
church in some directory, called and talked to the music
minister, sent him a CD, and worked it out to go share a
concert the first time. Since then, it's up for debate how
many times we've been back; somewhere between 3 and 5 times.
This church has been so encouraging to Holly and me from the
very beginning. For some reason, my songs and little stories of where they came from just seemed to click.
Two weekends ago, we went back to East Win. It's a pretty
big church. I can't ever imagine that people will actually
remember us and remember the last time we were there, and yet people were actually excited that we cam back! I don't know
how many times people came to our CD table and pointed out
all the CDs they already owned and asked "what's new?"
In the past, my songs fit into the "christian music"
description pretty easily. Now, Gypsy Heart is the newest CD and I had, and I'm the first to point out that these songs
were not designed to spoon-feed anybody my ideas of
Christianity and/or belief to anybody else. I was a little
apprehensive about how this batch of songs might be received
by this faithful audience.
Of course, I'm an idiot for not giving them enough credit.
Even on an especially bad-weather weekend and prepratory
warnings from the Music Minister about how much difficulty he has getting people to come out for concerts, I felt we had a
pretty decent crowd. Not only were they an attentive and
interactive audience, they really seemed to "get" where these songs came from and seemed to accept the fact that their
encouragement and support was encouragement and support for
me to taking these songs outside of those walls.
Obviously, it was nice to get a decent paycheck for my
music/concert/services, and it was also nice to move a few
CDs into the hands of appreciative fans. But more than that,
I hope that East Win knows that how much more their support
and encouragement meant to me.
Eugene Peterson on U2 and prophets
U2 news article - from @U2
This is an interview with Eugene Peterson, the guy who wrote the popular new paraphrase, The Message. For years, while leading worship at camps or dealing with friends from college who are now in music ministries or youth ministries, a conversation might come up that goes something like this:
me: "dude, have you heard the new U2 CD? It's is awesome!"
Youth Minister: "No, I haven't heard it. I didn't think they were Christians anymore. Have you heard the new 3rd Day? Now that's a great Christian Rock Band!"
me in my head: "did you really just question U2 and then compare them to 3rd day?"
And then we'd talk about something else...
Anyway, I particularly like the section of this interview where Peterson is talking about prophets and asking whether or not U2 is "christian" is really asking the wrong question.
This is an interview with Eugene Peterson, the guy who wrote the popular new paraphrase, The Message. For years, while leading worship at camps or dealing with friends from college who are now in music ministries or youth ministries, a conversation might come up that goes something like this:
me: "dude, have you heard the new U2 CD? It's is awesome!"
Youth Minister: "No, I haven't heard it. I didn't think they were Christians anymore. Have you heard the new 3rd Day? Now that's a great Christian Rock Band!"
me in my head: "did you really just question U2 and then compare them to 3rd day?"
And then we'd talk about something else...
Anyway, I particularly like the section of this interview where Peterson is talking about prophets and asking whether or not U2 is "christian" is really asking the wrong question.
CBS | Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
CBS | Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
I've never really watched the Late Late Show. My routine is usually to watch Seinfeld at 11:30 (when LLS is coming on) and go to bed. However, of course I surf during the commercials, and I've caught bits and pieces and thought Craig Freguson was pretty funny. (Way better than Craig Kilborn, I HATED that guy. sorry, bribrow)
Anyway, I was surfing through the very first commercial break and landing on LLS and saw a really amazing, beautiful thing tonight.
Apparently, Craig's father has just died. Instead of his regular monologue, Craig took the whole segment to talk about memories of his dad. It was kind of awkward at first, because I don't think the audience could tell if this was going to have punchlines (it had a few little ones) or if he was actually being serious. Slowly, it became obvious, that he was serious and that he wanted to tell people about his father, who he obviously loved very much.
If you saw it, you know what i'm talking about. If you didn't, i can't explain it. It was very brave, authentic and beautiful. It will probably always surprise me when one can find moments of such profound grace on television.
Well done, Craig. I'm sorry for your loss. If only more people in the world could know the blessing of a father that loves them. I'm thankful that I did.
I've never really watched the Late Late Show. My routine is usually to watch Seinfeld at 11:30 (when LLS is coming on) and go to bed. However, of course I surf during the commercials, and I've caught bits and pieces and thought Craig Freguson was pretty funny. (Way better than Craig Kilborn, I HATED that guy. sorry, bribrow)
Anyway, I was surfing through the very first commercial break and landing on LLS and saw a really amazing, beautiful thing tonight.
Apparently, Craig's father has just died. Instead of his regular monologue, Craig took the whole segment to talk about memories of his dad. It was kind of awkward at first, because I don't think the audience could tell if this was going to have punchlines (it had a few little ones) or if he was actually being serious. Slowly, it became obvious, that he was serious and that he wanted to tell people about his father, who he obviously loved very much.
If you saw it, you know what i'm talking about. If you didn't, i can't explain it. It was very brave, authentic and beautiful. It will probably always surprise me when one can find moments of such profound grace on television.
Well done, Craig. I'm sorry for your loss. If only more people in the world could know the blessing of a father that loves them. I'm thankful that I did.
wow. I don't know why it is the most difficult to blog when I have the most to say.
Blogging is so odd. I realize this and always have. Remember when you were little and could get a diary with an actual lock on it? Then you could keep the key for yourself and nobody could read your secret hopes/dreams/fears.
The whole point of blogging blows that away. The most interesting blogs take those private hopes/dreams/fears and publishes them so that ANYBODY can read/comment/judge.
I wish that I could say that my blog was an outlet for me to share who I really am and what I really think. It's not. In fact, the thoughts/worries/fears/hopes/dreams I struggle with the most have the least chance of being mentioned in a blog.
What pisses me off the most is that by letting myself be hindered in what I write on here, I feel like a certain some-one-who-shall-not-be-named, wins. I wanted this to be an outlet for my thoughts; a way for others to get to know me. Certain-some-one showed me that there are people out there that I don't want to know or be known by at all.
I hope he's pleased with his accomplishment.
Blogging is so odd. I realize this and always have. Remember when you were little and could get a diary with an actual lock on it? Then you could keep the key for yourself and nobody could read your secret hopes/dreams/fears.
The whole point of blogging blows that away. The most interesting blogs take those private hopes/dreams/fears and publishes them so that ANYBODY can read/comment/judge.
I wish that I could say that my blog was an outlet for me to share who I really am and what I really think. It's not. In fact, the thoughts/worries/fears/hopes/dreams I struggle with the most have the least chance of being mentioned in a blog.
What pisses me off the most is that by letting myself be hindered in what I write on here, I feel like a certain some-one-who-shall-not-be-named, wins. I wanted this to be an outlet for my thoughts; a way for others to get to know me. Certain-some-one showed me that there are people out there that I don't want to know or be known by at all.
I hope he's pleased with his accomplishment.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!
I know I've been bad about blogging for the last couple of weeks. Things have been pretty hectic around the shacklett home. To find out what's new with momma & babyshack, zip on over to baby-shack.blogspot.com
Holly's been much better at updating then I have. Lots of things things going on that aren't really blog worthy. Will try to start posting more very soon.
Holly's been much better at updating then I have. Lots of things things going on that aren't really blog worthy. Will try to start posting more very soon.
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