
I think I made a mistake...

So, I had that wisdom tooth pulled on Monday. Took it easy that day, Tuesday, things were better. Started eating more regular. Today, haven't thought about it much, hadn't taken any painkillers until later in the day when I thought about it.

Tonight, though, I might messed up. I was out at the studio working on a CD that we're about to finish and I got out my melodica (small instrument with piano keys that you blow into that sound somewhat like an accordian and a harmonica) and was working out a part. I forgot that I'm not supposed to be sucking on straws or blowing on anything. After a little while, I started not feeling so hot and I hadn't taken anything since about the middle of the day.

So let that be lesson: Don't going blowing on melodica's right after you've had a tooth pulled.

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