
The Last Word and the Word after That

I read this new Brian McLaren book last week. It's short and easy to get through quickly. It was interesting and I learned a couple of things that I didn't know before. I borrowed it, but I plan to go over it a little more deeply when I get my own copy.

As much as I try to resist putting myself in a box or labeling myself as emergent or post-modern or even conservative or liberal or democrat or republican or anything like that, I'm pretty much a McLarenite. He makes sense to me and has given me new and much needed perspectives on faith and Christianity in numerous ways.

This book is the 3rd in a trilogy of books. If you're a believer, you should start with the first, A New Kind of Christian, and then read the rest of them. If you're curious but not necassarily buying into Christianity, you should start with the second, The Story We Find Ourselves In. If you're happy with your faith and your Christianity, you might not want to bother.

Much of what I've read by him has been huge in encouraging me to keep holding onto the idea that Christianity can be a worthwhile pursuit for one's life. I'm now reading another book a friend loaned me that I can't figure out what to make of it yet. I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading McLaren's books. They push me and make me a little uncomfortable sometimes, but that's okay. I have grown up in the church and pretty much seen Christianity from one perspective, so I enjoy seeing faith issues from another perspective even when it makes me a bit nervous.

Looks like I need to make a trip to the bookstore now.

Anonymous said...

hi all,
hey derek i sent you an email..is anyone here planning on going to batman tonight??? let me know what you think, some have been real stinkers, but im a sucker and have seen 'em all so i will see this one, just want to know if i should get me hopes up. derek where ru in the darktower books?

Jake T said...

do you own the second two?