
THEOOZE - Counter Consumer Culture

If you haven't yet, click the title of this blog and read the article.

I don't usually read this web-site and when I do, it usually annoys me. However, I thought this was well written and makes a good point. I've often thought about this very thing when we were doing a bunch of camps and hearing all the same things over and over being said to youth groups at church camp. In some very real ways, this has to do with why I'm glad we're not doing camps anymore.

That's about all I have to say about it right now.


Anonymous said...

Your thoughts and what you read amaze me sometimes. The article is quite interesting and I see your point in presenting it.. I think I could come up with a number of people who would have a problem with it. Hadn't seen this sight before. Emailed it to Bob and Jason. Thanks for bringing it to my attention at least. BTW am near the end of THE STORY WE FIND OURSELVES IN.
Moer on that later.

(moved by site owner)

Anonymous said...

hi everybody....
wow this article really hit home with me. took me back to the days when i was a store manager for kbtoys. i was working my required sunday when 2 ladies that i went to church with came in the store. they didn't recognize me because they were so intent on getting a furby. all i had was a white one which upset one of them terribly. apparently the child had told them which color they had to get. she settled for the white one and proceded to tell me how it was a disgrace being open on sunday and that i should be ashamed of myself for working on sunday. i explained to her that if all the church people stayed home on sunday and did not come in we would not make enough money to warrant staying open, that on sunday we were dead till after church let out, and then we were swamped with church going folks coming in after eating out, for about 3 hours until folks knew they had to be back at church that night and then business died. well that made her mad and she demanded to speak with the store manager, i told her i was the store manager, she finally looked me square in the face and i could tell something was wrong. i said her name and said don't you remember me, we go to the same church, it was just my sunday to work. she turned bright red, asked how i was doing, how my wife was doing, and that she sure did miss me in church today. she took her furby and said see you next sunday. she never did come back in again on a sunday. let me tell you being a store manager in a toy store at christmas time and seeing what i saw changed me in ways you could never guess. if you want to see consumerism at its peak, just go work in a toy store at christmas time, and run out of the hot toy right before christmas.