
In other news...

I had the opportunity to spend some time in the presence of SW this weekend! (and i don't mean "Star Wars")

I've tried and tried to get him to admit his identity to me, but, alas: he failed. Even when he knows that I know who he is, he can't work up the guts to come clean. His countenance toward me this weekend, while justified because I'd made it clear to him that I'm through with his game and wouldn't put up with it online or in person, spoke plainly in confirmation of his identity.

In some ways, I'm sad for him. Honestly, it would be difficult for me to accept him as a friend at this point. Not because of the things he's said, but because of his refusal to speak to me in person, as a friend should.

Seriously, I think it would be exceedingly difficult to build any meaningful relationships with anybody if one were prone to handling communication and relationships in this way. I hope he's able to build some nurturing, authentic relationships with somebody. He should just realize that it's probably not going to be with me.

peace to you, SW.

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